Dennis 23rd Psalm

In keeping with my previous post about interpretations based on the idea of an Unorthodox Christianity:

I believe the Bible is divine scripture in that the interpretation to you of its word can so fit your circumstance that it may be read differently by you on any given day depending on your perspective and your needs of that day. To make a blanket statement that “this is what a particular scripture really means” belittles the power of the scripture to move us, and motivate us, and lead us toward the promise of the kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, from the place we are at on any given day.

One such day I sat with one of my favorite scriptures to apply it to the struggles of that day. I have prayed it in this version for perhaps 25 years now, pretty much at least once a week and many times, (the most difficult times), daily. Bold is the verse as written, regular is interpretation to the day’s or life’s events.

Dennis 23rd Psalm

The Lord is my savior and my guide,

I shall have all that I require.

When the fields that I am tilling have become brown and barren,

He bids me to lie down in green pastures.

When the waters of my life are turbulent and I feel as though I am cast adrift,

He leads me beside still waters.

When my faith is sorely tested and I am ready to give up,

He restores my faith and my soul to me.

He leads me along the right paths (those of His own choosing),

That I might serve Him there.

Though I walk through this valley of the shadows of lost souls,

I shall not fear them for thou art with me.

Thy word and thy example strengthen me.

Even now, this very day,

You are preparing the future before me in the presence of my enemies,

Even in the midst of my own personal struggles.

You anoint my head with oil and once again my cup overflows with your bountiful blessings.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.    

(circa .1992)


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